Who qualifies for Bookshare?
Low Vision/Blindness:
A person who is blind or has low vision and who is unable to read standard print qualifies for Bookshare as long as a competent authority confirms that the person is legally blind or has a significant problem accessing text.
Physical Disability:
A person with a physical disability who is unable to read standard print qualifies for Bookshare as long as a competent authority confirms that the physical disability significantly interferes with reading.
A person with a learning disability such as dyslexia qualifies for Bookshare as long as a competent authority confirms that the learning disability significantly interferes with reading.
Who Doesn't Automatically Qualify?
People with disabilities such as:
- autism
- intellectual disabilities
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- hearing loss
- dysgraphia
- dyscalculia
And people whose first language is not English DO NOT QUALIFY ON THESE CRITERIA ALONE under the laws and agreements that determine Bookshare eligibility.
However, it is quite possible that a person with one or more of these disabilities could still qualify for Bookshare because of an accompanying print disability. For example, a person who is both deaf and blind or who has ADHD and significant dyslexia could qualify. More information about Bookshare Qualifications.