


​​Kittner Library

Leonardtown Library, St. Mary's County Library, Maryland

​According to a November 2023 Statewide Facilities Assessment, over half of the 190 public library buildings in Maryland are more than 25 years old, with many requiring updates like new roofs, upgraded facilities, and new construction. Maryland State Library Agency provides grants to library systems to evaluate existing facilities and develop priorities and plans to improve them.​

​​LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) 

Every year, the Maryland State Library Agency (MSLA) grants almost $2 million of LSTA funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)​ Grants to States​ program to public libraries. These Federal funds support staff development, innovative pilot projects, and preparedness by funding strategic and facility master plans. The Public Library and State Networking Branch (PLSNB) staff act as grant liaisons to public libraries receiving LSTA funds through sub-grants. Learn more about Maryland public library grants and funds.​​​​​

County Library Capital Grants

Maryland State Library​ Agency (MSLA) oversees a State Capital Grant program that provides $7.5 million annually for the renovation, expansion, and construction of public library facilities. Since the program was implemented in 2008, capital grants have been awarded to all of the state's 24 library systems to improve one or more of their buildings. The $93.8 million authorized by the General Assembly has generated an estimated $375 million in local matching funds, approximately four times​ the amount of the state's investment in public libraries. 

While most of the grant awards have funded basic renovations, an astounding 21 unique public libraries have also opened, from the Eastern Shore to Western Maryland, even with​​​ lovely views of the Chesapeake Bay. These new public libraries include Anne Arundel (Annapolis), Baltimore (Sollers Point), Cecil (Perry Hall & Northeast), Charles (Waldorf West), Frederick (Brunswick, Myersville & Walkersville), Harford (Havre de Grace), Howard (Miller), Montgomery (Silver Spring Wheaton), St. Mary's (Leonardtown), Somerset (Cri​sfield), Washington (Boonsboro &Hancock), Worcester (Berlin & Ocean City) Counties. Three more state-of-the-art facilities opened in the spring of 2024 in Anne Arundel (Riviera Beach), Calvert (Twin Beaches), and Frederick (Middletown) counties with support from the state.​​​​